'Legendary' Spoiler Free Review

A great sequel to the fantastic 'Caraval' which was one of my favourite books of 2017. This book picks up straight after the events of that book, however, 'Legendary,' is told from the perspective of the other sister, Tella. I was not expecting this change of narration, but I thought it was refreshing and is not something you see in many series. This book is less about subverting your expectations but more about adding to the lore and mystery of the world of Carnival. The first book was very enclosed, so it was nice to get an expanded setting for this series. Garber's amazing descriptions once again shine through in her writing, and if you loved Caraval, then you will love this book. That being said this was SOOOO close to being another 5 star read for me this year but I do have a few problems with it. Firstly, a problem which I have with a lot of YA books, the men were all similar playboy types, whether they were heroes or villains. Unfortunately, I couldn't give this a pass for this book because of how well Garber writes women. The two sisters in this book are a perfect example of different personalities, and yet there are two brothers in this book who are practically identical to each other and the other males in the story. I also wasn't a big fan of the ending; I found it slightly rushed and predictable. I'm trying not to judge it too harshly because a lot was left open and ultimately this is a series that is going to be continued, but the last 25 pages just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Although this book does have its flaws, I ultimately loved it and can't wait until the next installment is out.


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