'Strange the Dreamer' Spoiler Free Review

So I just finished this book, and I'm a mess right now. I'm writing this in between bursts of crying, so I hope it's coherent. I was so skeptical about going into this book because of how many great reviews it had, how wrong I was! This book made me laugh out loud and cry like a baby. The world was so beautifully crafted and rich with lore. If you want a lesson in world-building, then look no further than this book. I don't want to talk about the plot because it would ruin the discovery for you. Pick up this book yourself if you want to know more about it! Laini Taylor's world is somewhere I want to live forever! I don't think I've ever read anyone write a dream better than the author of Strange The Dreamer. It was so refreshing to see a likable male protagonist from the start as well, something which has been lost in a lot of current YA books. The romance in this book was brilliant and not forced in any way. There is sex, but it feels completely normal and natural to read and not like a chapter you want to skip through because of the awkwardness. It balances A LOT of mature themes which had me even questioning why it's called a YA book, mostly surrounding race in a symbolic way. I did have a few problems with the way it was written though, specifically how it disregarded changes in time and narration, often shifting in the middle of paragraphs. I also thought the order of some descriptions was odd although I am aware this is more of a personal thing. I like to imagine characters visually, and after 20 pages of building a mental image, I learn they're blue which was slightly infuriating. All of this I can overlook, however, because of how incredible the rest of the book was. This was the best book I've read in 2018 so far! The next one can't come quick enough; I need it right now!


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