Gender in Children’s and Young Adult Fiction.

Strong Female Character Over recent years we have heard the phrase ‘strong female character’ repeated many times. From books to television to movies the trend in creating this archetype seems to be everywhere. But what does it actually mean and is the term endearing or damaging? We can define the strong female character as the opposite of the damsel in distress. (Slides: strong female characters) In the first half of the 20th century, the rise of mainstream feminism and the increased use of the term Dr. Lisa Blower, 44, a lecturer in Creative Writing at Bangor University, however, sees it as little more than a ‘branding.’ ‘I’m very anti-label when it comes to things like that because I think the labels do it a disservice,’ she said. ‘As soon as you say the words strong female character you are already genderizing the role […] The gender battle and feminism is to have equality where that gender is more fluid.’ The Statistics ...